Download Our Bugout Bag Checklist PDF & Excel to get a complete listing of every item we currently have in our bug out bag.
Our checklists also gives you packing tips and important info to consider when packing your own bugout bag.
Designed to be 100% customizable and free for life! We provide you with Excel versions of the checklists so that you can change the items in your bag or even use the checklist for other projects.
Checklist Features

Download in Excel Format
Make this into a tool you can use

Download in PDF Format
PDF is good for printing & mobile

100% Free for Life
We are doing this to help people

100% Customizable
Use our checklists to build anything

Made for Easy Printing
All checklists are formatted to print

Multiple Formats
Comes in cheat sheet & 5 page format

Categorized to Expedite Use
Easily find the tools you are looking for

Version 1.3
We are continously improving our checklists
Checklist Version Overview (Download Below)
Condensed Checklist

5 Page Checklist

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I will only contact you via email again when another free tool is availble or if new valuable content is published.
NEW! CME Alerts Coronal Mass Ejection Notification Warning System
CME Alerts is a 100% FREE advanced warning notification system created to make sure as many people as possible are notified before a large-scale coronal mass ejection hits the earth causing the powergrid and other systems to be destroyed.
Solar flares and CMEs can have profound effects on our planet, from disrupting communications and navigation systems to impacting power grids. By staying informed through CME Alerts, you can take proactive steps to mitigate these risks. Our service ensures you are always aware of potential solar threats, allowing you to protect your technology and stay safe.